Male Psychology &
Men’s Mental Health
Dr John Barry is an internationally recognised expert on male psychology. John co-founded both the Male Psychology Network, the Male Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society (BPS), and The Centre for Male Psychology. He has been the lead organiser of the Male Psychology Conference (2014-2019, until covid-19 lockdowns). He is also co-editor of the Palgrave Handbook of Male Psychology and Mental Health (2019), and co-author (with Louise Liddon) of the new book Perspectives in Male Psychology, Wiley, 2021. John has also had various research papers and opinion pieces on male psychology published in peer-reviewed journals. John also guest-edited complete editions of two different journals which ran special issues on the topic of male psychology. These were New Male Studies in 2016, and the Psychreg Journal of Psychology in 2020. He also was co-author on an article in a special issue on male psychology in the BPS magazine The Psychologist in 2014.
John has worked with organisations such as Harry’s Inc. (publishing the popular 'masculinity reports'), as well as joining forces with experts such as Dr Warren Farrell, who he invited to speak in the UK in 2016 and with who he co-authored apaper with about the gender empathy gap. He has also presented this work at the Houses of Parliament, University College London, conferences by the British Psychological Society and presented at various other universities and conferences in the UK. He has advised organisations such as CALM and Heads The Royal Foundation. His work has been featured in various media outlets such as the Metro and The Telegraph, The Sun and The Daily Mail.
What is Male Psychology?
Male Psychology is mainly the study of the psychology of men and boys, and non-human animals to a lesser degree. Themes include issues that predominantly effect men and boys, such as suicide, homelessness, addiction, imprisonment, and educational underachievement. Other themes include issues that impact males but are often overlooked e.g. male victims of domestic violence. Arguably men’s psychological issues receive less attention than ideal, with 75% of suicides being male, but with disproportionately little curiosity in the profession of psychology as to why this gender gap occurs. For a more detailed explanation see here.
As well as having been an author of around 80 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, John has co-authored a textbook (Perspectives in Male Psychology: An Introduction), and co-edited the top-selling Palgrave Handbook of Male Psychology and Mental Health.
Research Highlights
Click here to see John’s full research profile
Blogs & Articles
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Professional Services
Contact John using email: johnbarry [at] johnbarrypsychologist.com
if you would like to commission his expertise in male psychology & men’s mental health in relation to:
Research design & data analysis
Research Collaboration & Consultancy
Speaking, Presenting, Lecturing
Professional writing, Service Evaluation, Training & Resources
Interviews / Press commentary
The Centre For Male Psychology
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#SuicidePrevention How are you? Out of 10? “I wish Steve was still with us & I wasn’t writing this now. But I can… https://t.co/rwFlBpg0aZ
RT @CentreMalePsych: #mentalhealth “loneliness and isolation increase the likelihood of mortality by 26%". Men's groups can be a lifel… https://t.co/ZPRFwceLqV
RT @CentreMalePsych: #mentalhealth “loneliness and isolation increase the likelihood of mortality by 26%". Men's groups can be a lifel… https://t.co/ZPRFwceLqV
#mentalhealth “loneliness and isolation increase the likelihood of mortality by 26%". Men's groups can be a lifel… https://t.co/ZPRFwceLqV