E-Cigarettes (Vaping) and Hypnotherapy

Many people start using e-cigarettes as a way to stop smoking but then end up addicted to vaping.

A survey of 12,000 British adults found that 40% of people use e-cigarettes to help them stop smoking cigarettes, with a further 17% doing so to help them cut down on cigarettes (ASH, 2017). This is said by some to be a  good idea, though many of these people find that they need help to stop smoking e-cigarettes. A large survey found no overall benefit of using e-cigarettes to help stop smoking (Bose et al, 2015). A randomised controlled trial published in The Lancet of 657 smokers, demonstrated that quitting e-cigarettes was just as hard as quitting ordinary cigarettes.

Although some people think that vaping is safe, opinion among health professionals is divided.  Some researchers make the obvious point that because vaping is relatively new, we simply cannot know the long-term risks. Many e-cigarettes contain nicotine, albeit in lower doses, and some research has shown indications of potential damage to cardiovascular health (Lundback et al, 2017). A review for Public Health England suggests that over the long-term, toxins contained in e-cigarettes, such as formaldehyde, have the potential for health risk (Britton & Bogdanovica, 2014). Others health professionals are concerned that the flavouring of some e-cigarettes (various fruit and candy flavours) appeals to children, and accounts for the rising popularity of vaping amongst school children (Arrazola et al, 2015).

The good news is that there is a lot of research on the efficacy of hypnotherapy to help people stop smoking (see my blog here http://www.hypnotherapycentrallondon.co.uk/stop-smoking-hypnosis/ ), and it seems logical that hypnotherapy will work just as well for stopping vaping. However, vaping is a relatively new invention and to date, there is little research to prove the efficacy of hypnotherapy for stopping vaping. I am encouraging colleagues to undertake this research, but in the meantime please feel free to call me to discuss how I can help you beat your addiction to e-cigarettes.

About the author
Dr John A. Barry is a Chartered Psychologist and Professional Researcher. He is a leading expert in the areas of
male psychology including men’s mental health and the psychological aspects of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). His new book, Perspectives in Male Psychology: An Introduction (ISBN: 978-1-119-68535-7), co-authored with Louise Liddon, is published in the new year and is available to pre-order now.


Arrazola RA, Singh T, Corey CG, Husten CG, Neff LJ, Apelberg BJ, Bunnell RE, Choiniere CJ, King BA, Cox S, McAfee T, Caraballo RS, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Tobacco use among middle and high school students - United States, 2011-2014. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 Apr 17; 64(14):381-5.

ASH (2017). Use of e-cigarettes among adults in Great Britain, 2018

Britton, J. & Bogdanovica, I. (2014). Electronic cigarettes.
A report commissioned by Public Health England. Available here https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/311887/Ecigarettes_report.pdf

Brose LS, Hitchman SC, Brown J, West R, McNeill A. Is the use of electronic cigarettes while smoking associated with smoking cessation attempts, cessation and reduced cigarette consumption? A survey with a 1-year follow-up. Addiction. 2015 Jul; 110(7):1160-8.

Bullen C, Howe C, Laugesen M, McRobbie H, Parag V, Williman J, Walker N. Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2013 Nov 16; 382(9905):1629-37.

Lundbäck, M., Antoniewicz, L., Brynedal, A., & Bosson, J. (2017). Acute effects of active e-cigarette inhalation on arterial stiffness. European Respiratory Journal 2017 50: OA1979


British Psychological Society Report on Hypnosis


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