Dr John Barry

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Hypnotherapy Can Help Reduce Stress and Anxiety

The NHS estimates that 1 in 6 people have experienced anxiety &/or depression in the past week (McManus et al, 2016), and even more so since pressures related to covid-19 (NHS England, 2020). Many of these people have been prescribed anxiety medication. In the UK, men have started to value their mental health more than their physical health (Barry, 2020), and the stress of maintaining a healthy ‘work-life balance’ is almost impossible for everyone.

One of the worst things about anxiety and stress is that it can spill over from one area of life to another. For example, it is common for stress at work to cause stress in relationships, and vice versa. This means that anxiety and stress can snowball out of control into all sorts of issues. For example, anxiety about work can lead to anger management issues, substance abuse (e.g. drinking or smoking too much), gambling addiction and depression.

When people ask me “do you do hypnotherapy for anxiety” or “stop smoking hypnosis?”, the answer is yes. Dealing with any of these issues with hypnosis can also lead to an overall beneficial effect on other issues. This is because hypnosis can be itself used as a way of inducing a deep level of relaxation that can help ‘hit the reset button’ for many people, and helping relieve several issues at once.

Since 1999 I have been helping people with hypnotherapy for a variety of stress-related issues, and have had many peer-reviewed papers published on issues related to mental health. Moreover, I have developed stress management programs for women with polycystic ovary syndrome experiencing anxiety and depression (Barry et al, 2017) and adults with relationship problems (Barry, 2012).

If you are experiencing high levels of anxiety you should talk to your GP, but you should also consider that you might benefit a lot from talking therapies such as clinical hypnosis. Without a doubt, the best thing to do if anxiety and stress are impacting your life is to make the decision to tackle the problem and take positive steps to getting back to a healthy state of mind.

About the author
Dr John A. Barry is a Chartered Psychologist and Professional Researcher.  He is a leading expert in the areas of 
male psychology including men’s mental health and the psychological aspects of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). His new book, Perspectives in Male Psychology: An Introduction (ISBN: 978-1-119-68535-7), co-authored with Louise Liddon, is published in the new year and is available to pre-order now. 


Barry, J. A. (2012). Treating relationship problems in adulthood by using guided imagery to modify the influence of childhood attachment schemas. Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis, 34(1), 15-25.

Barry, J. A. Noelia Leite, Nagaruban Sivarajah, Brian Keevil, Laura Owen, Liliana C.S. Miranda, Fan Qu and Paul J. Hardiman (2017). Relaxation and Guided Imagery Significantly Reduces Androgen Levels and Distress in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Pilot Study. Contemporary Hypnosis & Integrative Therapy, 31, 21-29

Barry, J. A. (2020). Job satisfaction, relationship, stability, and valuing one’s health are the strongest predictors of men’s mental well-being. Psychreg Journal of Psychology https://www.johnbarrypsychologist.com/drjohnbarrysblog/what-makes-men-happy

McManus S, Bebbington P, Jenkins R, Brugha T. (eds.) (2016) Mental health and wellbeing in England: Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014. Leeds: NHS Digital. Available at: http://content.digital.nhs.uk/catalogue/PUB21748/apms-2014-full-rpt.pdf [Accesed 5 October 2016]

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